[英語耳養成講座] 毎日の基礎英語リスニング BES- Basic English Sentence- 第188回 [TOEIC・英検対策][聞き流し対応版] おまけ解説付き
サブチャンネル[HIYOKO ENGLISH RADIO]も宜しくお願いします。
Basic English Sentenceシリーズは月曜~土曜6時半に動画を更新します。
None of the applicants met the qualifications for the job.
I once went for a job interview, and after interviewing me, the interviewer said I might not be suitable for the job I applied for. However, he thinks I am suitable for another job in another department. I left the office thinking it was just him trying to be nice, probably hinting that I was not what he was looking for. The next day, I got a call from the same company asking me to go for another interview in the same department but under a person in charge! Guess what? I got that job!
There was a chance of rain, so I brought my umbrella.
To me, Japan's TV news weather forecast is reliable and quite accurate. On the other hand, Singapore weather news reports are often not reliable. Therefore, we often don’t need to check the weather forecast. Nowadays, with smartphone weather apps, it’s a better alternative to checking the weather.
Here is the end of my explanation. Please like, subscribe, or even donate if you find our channel useful. In Singapore, weather forecasts are not important to us. What can be worse, sun or rain, or even both? Sometimes we really have sun and rain happening at the same time.