6 Views · 1 year ago

Lucy from will guide you through understanding how to complete the TOEFL listening main idea question type.

This TOEFL iBT video will cover:
- Task description
- Method
- Practice

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3 Views · 1 year ago

From 26th July, 2023, TOEFL will have a new test format and structure. To know what are these changes to the TOEFL exam and how should you prepare for it, watch the complete video :)

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00:00 - Introduction
00:47 - New TOEFL format 2023
01:12 - Reading Section
01:53 - Listening Section
03:13 - Speaking Section
03:50 - Writing Section
05:28 - How to prepare
06:12 - Other changes
07:15 - Amber

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1 Views · 1 year ago

My overall TOEFL listening tips and strategies! The most difficulties of TOEFL listening is that you are not allow to read the questions before listening. In this video, I'll share my listening tips and strategies to predict TOEFL listening questions. There are examples to prove my listening strategies. Because of these strategies, I improved my listening score from 8 to 25. How did I make it? Let's get start! Hope you find this video helpful and good luck!

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3 Views · 1 year ago

📽️ Table of Contents
0:00 Introduction
0:54 First Recording
3:23 Q1
3:57 Q2
4:32 Q3
5:08 Q4
5:49 Q5
6:27 Q6
7:07 Second Recording
8:35 Q7
9:09 Q8
09:44 Q9
10:20 Q10
10:58 Q11
11:40 Third recording
15:37 Q12
16:09 Q13
16:52 Q14
17:30 Q15
18:20 Q16
18:54 Q17
19:35 Forth Recording
21:00 Q18
21:33 Q19
22:07 Q20
22:42 Q21
23:17 Q22
23:55 Fifth Recording
26:34 Q23
27:07 Q24
27:42 Q25
28:17 Q26
29:00 Q27
29:36 Q28
30:13 Answer Key

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I hope this study material proves beneficial to you and contributes to your score improvement.

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5 Views · 1 year ago

Tips dan Strategi TOEFL Listening Bagian 2:
TOEFL Listening Format
Listening TOEFL (Part A)

Tips dan strategi TOEFL Listening bagian ketiga:

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Pada video toefl listening bagian kedua ini, saya akan berbagi tips dan strategi cara menjawab soal toefl listening PART A. Tetapi sebelumnya, akan saya bahas dulu format TOEFL listening supaya sahabat punya gambaran utuh dalam menjawab soal listening TOEFL ITP atau TOEFL PBT.
Perlu diketahui, soal listening ini ada di section 1 dan terdiri dari 3 bagian. Part A, Part B, dan Part C.

Soal TOEFL listening bagian pertama atau part A ini berupa short dialog atau dialog pendek yang terdiri dari 30 nomor. Nomor 1 sampai 30.

Soal TOEFL listening bagian kedua atau part B berupa Extended Conversations atau percakapan yang lebih panjang dari part A. Biasanya terdiri dari dua conversation antara 7 sampai 8 nomor.

Soal TOEFL listening bagian ketiga atau part C berupa mini talks atau monolog yang durasinya lebih panjang dari part B. Biasanya terdiri dari 3 monolog atau lectures yang totalnya kurang lebih 12 sampai 13 nomor.

Adapun total soal toefl listening ada 50 soal dengan durasi 30 sampai 40 menit. Biasanya sekitar 35 menit an.

Sebagai informasi, kebanyakan dialog atau percakapan di Part A dan Part B berisi dialog atau percakapan antara laki2 dan perempuan

Nada percakapan part A dan B bersifat informal. Banyak menggunakan phrasal verb dan juga idiom. sedangkan untuk part C bersifat formal dan akademis.

Di Part A, masing-masing pembicara biasanya mengatakan satu atau dua kalimat saja selama kurang lebih 10 detik. Jadi pastikan sahabat konsentrasi penuh supaya bisa menangkap maksud percakapan.

Adapun part B berisi percakapan yang berdurasi kurang kurang lebih 60-90 detik.

Untuk part C berisi monolog, talks, atau kuliah yang berdurasi kurang lebih satu sampai 2 menit.

Berikutnya facts, tips, and strategies untuk TOEFL Listening part A.

Kebanyakan pertanyaan di part A biasanya fokus pada perkataan pembicara kedua. Jadi meskipun sahabat mungkin tidak bisa menangkap keseluruhan dialog. Paling tidak, sahabat bisa menangkap maksud pembicara kedua. Hanya beberapa soal saja yang mengharuskan sahabat mengerti keseluruhan pembicaraan.

Sekitar 50% pertanyaan seputar restatement atau rephrasing dari pembicara kedua atau kedua pembicara. Jadi penguasaan kosa kata, terutama sinonim akan sangat berperan di part A.
Sekitar 20% pertanyaan harus bisa kita simpulkan dari pernyataan pembicara.

Sisanya biasanya berupa pertanyaan yang menguji kemampuan kita dalam memahami struktur dan ungkapan tertentu.
Untuk struktur, bisa tentang kalimat pasif dg ciri be dan verb 3. Negatives atau bntuk negatif yang menggunakan not maupun awalan seperti im pada kata impossible (tidak mungkin). Asalnya possible (mungkin), dan sejenisnya. Untuk wishes dan conditions sebenarnya sama dari segi struktur. Biasanya pola yang sering muncul adalah pengandaian tipe ke 2 atau ke 3. kemudian causative verbs seperti have dan make yang digunakan untuk menyuruh atau menyebabkan orang lain melakukan sesuatu.
Juga kata bantu modal yang digunakan utk maksud tertentu seperti possibility, certainty, dsb.
Dan terakhir bentuk comparisons atau perbandingan, makna lebih atau paling, terkadang juga perbandingan negatif.

Selain struktur, ada juga functional expressions atau ungkapan fungsional seperti ungkapan yang menunjukkan agreement (persetujuan), uncertainty (ketidakpastian), offering (penawaran), suggestion (saran), surprise (keterkejutan), dan request (permintaan).

Juga idiomatic expressions atau ungkapan idiomatis yang menggunakan phrasal verbs (baik yang terdiri dari dua ataupun 3 kata) dan idioms. Untuk penjelasan tentang phrasal verbs dan idioms, silahkan cek video Benpinter ttg tips dan strategi TOEFL Listening bagian pertama.

Selanjutnya penting utk diingat kalau jawaban yang benar jarang dinyatakan kata per kata. Maksudnya, kalau kita dengar kata apartment misalnya, bukan berarti jawaban yang benar adalah pilihan jawaban yang menggunakan kata apartment. Jawaban yang benar bukan berdasarkan persamaan kata atau bunyi.

Ini juga penting diingat, jawaban yang benar sering merupakan sinonim, persamaan kata, frase atau kalimat, dengan menggunakan struktur kalimat yang berbeda. Misalnya dalam percakapan menggunakan kalimat aktif, jawabannya dalam bentuk kalimat pasif, ataupun sebaliknya.

Selanjutnya mari kita bahas 3 skill utama untuk TOEFL Listening part A.

Skill yang pertama, fokus pada pembicara kedua.
Skill yang kedua, pilihlah jawaban berupa sinonim
Skill ketiga, hindari suara atau bunyi yang sama.


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11 Views · 1 year ago

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6 Views · 1 year ago

Our FREE guide to TOEFL vocab:

For this listening practice for TOEFL, learn the best tips to answer TOEFL Listening's "Why Is This Said" questions.
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Why Is This Said" is an important kind of question on the TOEFL Listening section - these are questions that ask why a speaker said something. Annie gives you the BEST tips on how to do your best on these questions.

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4 Views · 1 year ago

Before you take the TOEFL iBT test, understand what is on it and how it is structured. The test includes four sections, all with academic content. It is designed to help you prove to universities that you’re ready for the English-language demands of higher education.

Learn more about the test and register here:

1 Views · 1 year ago

Video pembahasan TOEFL bagian LISTENING lengkap untuk kamu.
Ini adalah video TOEFL listening SKILL 2.


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13 Views · 1 year ago

TOEFL Exercise 6 Listening Comprehension.
Skill 6: Listen for who and what with multiple nouns.

Source: Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL Test

TOEFL Exercise 1:
TOEFL Exercise 2:
TOEFL Exercise 3:
TOEFL Exercise 4:
TOEFL Exercise 5:

Answer key of Exercise 6:
1. C 3. B 5. A 7. D 9. C
2. B 4. B 6. C 8. D 10. D

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Longman TOEFL Listening
Listening Longman TOEFL Exercise
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TOEFL practice

3 Views · 1 year ago

TOEFL Listening Practice Full Test With Answers - IMPROVE your TOEFL Score!
In this video, you will do an actual TOEFL Listening Practice Full Test to improve your TOEFL listening skills using American English. You can improve your TOEFL score and English fluency by doing TOEFL Listening Practice Full Tests. This TOEFL listening practice full test is the same as on the actual TOEFL test.

English fluency comes with TOEFL listening practice to American English.
Eliminate problems with understanding spoken English through TOEFL listening comprehension practice. Improve your TOEFL test score and English listening skills through TOEFL Listening Practice Full Tests to American English and by learning tricks and tips to get the highest TOEFL score on the TOEFL iBT exam. This TOEFL listening practice full test has answers at the end of the video.
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10 Views · 1 year ago

The IELTS Listening Test IELTS Candidate DO LISTENING TEST IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS :- You will be given time to read through the questions before you listen. You will hear each recording of the Listening test only once.
As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

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Instructions to candidates
In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:
do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
listen to the instructions for each part of the paper carefully
answer all the questions

while you are listening, write your answers on the question paper
you will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the separate answer sheet; use a pencil

At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.

7 Views · 1 year ago

TOEFL Exercise 8 Listening Comprehension.
Skill 8: Listen for Double Negative Expressions
Source: Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL Test

TOEFL Exercise 1:
TOEFL Exercise 2:
TOEFL Exercise 3:
TOEFL Exercise 4:
TOEFL Exercise 5:
TOEFL Exercise 6:
TOEFL Exercise 7:

Answer key of Exercise 8:
1. D 3. B 5. C 7. C 9. D
2. A 4. D 6. B 8. D 10. A

Latihan listening TOEFL
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TOEFL Listening
Sukses TOEFL
Belajar Listening TOEFL
Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Tips listening TOEFL
Tips dan trik listening
Sukses listening
Audio listening
Listening Longman
Longman TOEFL Listening
Listening Longman TOEFL Exercise
Listening practice

10 Views · 1 year ago

Need more TOEFL practice? Check out Magoosh:

This Tuesday we’re going to continue our series that we started last week with TOEFL Reading Advice. The next section is, similar to on the TOEFL itself, the listening section.

TOEFL listening, which is the second section of the TOEFL, surprises many students the first time they try it. It’s not extremely different from listening exercises you may have done in English classes or on other English tests, but it’s probably at least a little bit different in at least one way. Specifically, the recordings can be long (a little over five minutes, sometimes) and you don’t see the questions until the recording is finished. That causes some problems for many students…

TOEFL Listening Common Problem 1: Focus and Memory

Because there is a lot of information in the recording, it can be difficult to pay attention the whole time. That’s especially true because the lectures are about topics that maybe you’re not interested in. Can you stay focused on all the details of a five-minute lecture about the different types of Mexican cactus? And even if you listen closely the whole time, can you remember all the details?

The conversation recordings are a bit easier, mostly because they are shorter (3+ minutes), but this same issue is clear on the whole TOEFL listening section.

TOEFL Listening Tip 1: Take Notes

The truth is that there is so much information in a lectures and conversations, you basically have to take some notes. Even if you don’t like taking notes, or you have trouble listening and writing at the same time, you should still practice your notes. That helps you stay focused on the recording—when you are preparing to write, you have to listen closely for the information that you will write—and also helps you remember the details of the recording after it’s finished.
This is a pretty obvious piece of advice, because so many books and teachers focus on TOEFL notes. Let’s go a little bit more in detail about specific problems in those notes.

TOEFL Listening Common Problem 2: Too Many Notes!

Sometimes we say in English “too much of a good thing.” Take exercise, for example. It’s clearly good for you, and it feels good, but if you exercise all day, every day? You might hurt yourself, for one, and you might have trouble keeping a job. Anything can be bad if you do it too much. TOEFL notes are this way.
If you try to write every single detail you hear, you will not succeed. It’s impossible to write everything! You have to to choose the information you write. Otherwise, you may write down unimportant details, but miss a main point. And then when you answer questions, you won’t be able to remember the information that you need, which is clearly a problem.

TOEFL Listening Tip 2: Structural Notes

Don’t try to write every detail you hear in the TOEFL listening section. Instead, write only the big ideas. If you think about how the lecture or conversation is structured, then you can write only a few lines of notes about the big ideas.
The key here is that writing structural notes helps your memory, not just the information you have on the paper. When you answer questions, you’re going to use both. That is, you will look at your notes and try to remember what you heard. Students who try to write everything don’t use their memories enough. But if you use the notes only to help your memory, not replace it, then you will have maximum detail when answering questions.

8 Views · 1 year ago

4 Views · 1 year ago - Click for ALL our help to earn your dream TOEFL score NOW!

TOEFL Reading Episode #11 Chapters:

0:00 Intro to the Series
1:23 1-Tip: Study in 20 or 100 hour chunks
4:25 2-Trick: What to do when lost on a question
8:09 3-Tip: What to do when lost on the listening
11:58 4-Trick: What to do when you're not improving
15:25 5-Tip: What to do when you're freaking out
18:15 Review of all tips & tricks
21:47 Ending message to succeed on your TOEFL

You're watching episode #11 of your TOEFL Talk with NoteFull series with TOEFL Listening Tips and Tricks from NoteFull to reach your dream TOEFL score! Expect to learn how to improve your TOEFL studying (how to study for the TOEFL so you also know how to improve your TOEFL score).

Watch from start to finish to improve your TOEFL listening score with these 5 TOEFL Listening Tips and Tricks with Joseph from NoteFull.

Strong, effective TOEFL preparation for your TOEFL test is tough. So, to help you with the longer, more serious TOEFL exam training to improve BIG, you'll master powerful TOEFL listening tips & tricks with this episode.

PLUS, improve with critical training and more personal support on these TOEFL listening tips & tricks in future lessons so that you can improve your TOEFL listening score by 5, 10, 15 points: the improvements that MANY NoteFull students have accomplished with months of dedicated training.


With our TOEFL talk with NoteFull series, you receive the regular support (with new episodes uploaded every or every other Thursday) and encouragement you need to improve your TOEFL score to reach the most challenging requirements. This means we'll do our best to guide you over the weeks and months it will take for you to pass your TOEFL.

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9 Views · 1 year ago

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All answers for this TOEFL Reading practice test are explained in this PDF -

Here's a quick list of the answers:

Passage #1 - Discovery and Orbits of Asteroids

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. All asteroids - C,F,G - S-type asteroids - A, E

Passage #2 - The Cambrian Explosion and Mass Extinction

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. B, D, E

Passage #3 - The Mongol Era

1. C
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. B, D, E

All answers for this TOEFL Listening practice test are explained in this PDF -

Here's a quick list of the answers:

Passage #1

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A, C
5. A

Passage #2

1. C
2. A
3. Pizza - Neither
Use of the good... - Non-rival
National defense - Non-excludable, non-rival
4. C, D
5. A
6. B

Passage #3

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. A

Passage #4

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. D
5. C

Passage #5

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. Individuals... - Symbolic Interactionism
The family unit... - Functionalism
Concerned with the... - Conflict Theory
5. B
6. C


The TOEFL iBT is an academic English test that measures four skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. While ETS TOEFL offers a suite of TOEFL Test options like TOEFL Junior, TOEFL Essentials, and TOEFL Paper Edition, this video will primarily focus on the most popular version of the test, the TOEFL iBT.

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14 Views · 1 year ago

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8 Views · 1 year ago

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TOEFL Listening - 5 Top Tips for Note Taking

I tell you my 5 top tips for note taking in TOEFL Listening. Taking notes in TOEFL Listening is hard because you need to take notes while listening and you do not have much time. Therefore, you must take notes in a way that does not cost you much time and that boosts your TOEFL Listening score. I show you the 5 things I did when taking notes in TOEFL Listening which helped me get a high score. Use these tips and boost your TOEFL score!

TOEFL Listening Question Types and Strategies:
TOEFL Listening Question Types and Strategies - Part 2:
TOEFL Speaking - How to Take Notes:

The examples I use in the video and in the illustration are made up by me.

1) Do not write down everything
Do not write down everything you listen to. If you do that, you most likely will not be able to focus on what the speaker says because you are so focused on writing everything down. This will lower your TOEFL Listening score. In fact, it is not necessary to take notes of everything because you will not be asked everything in the questions. You will be asked the important things which means that it is sufficient to take notes of these. So the question is: What are the important things? This brings us directly to the second tip.

2) Anticipate the questions
You must know the question types that can appear in TOEFL Listening so that you can anticipate them when taking notes. If you know the types of questions you will be asked this makes it a lot easier for you because you know exactly what you need to listen for and what you need to write down. This will prevent you from taking notes that you do not need. This means that note taking will be less stressful and that you will be taking the right notes that get you a high TOEFL Listening score.

3) Do not copy the speaker
Guys, it is tempting to write down the exact words the speaker uses. However, I do not recommend it. The problem is that you may end up trying to remember the exact words the speaker used in the listening task. What happens then is that you lose focus and do not listen actively anymore because you are so focused on remembering the words. This also means that you will lose valuable time. Therefore, use your own words. It is not necessary to know which words the speaker used when answering the questions in TOEFL Listening. The questions will ask you about the speaker’s idea, so it is totally sufficient if you take notes of the idea that the speaker talks about.

4) Listen for self-correction
In TOEFL Listening it often happens that the speaker says something and then corrects himself immediately afterwards. If you listen to self-correction, it is very likely that you will be asked a question about that. The examiner uses these self-corrections because he wants to check whether you see that the speaker corrected himself. Therefore, make sure that you listen actively for these self-corrections and that you take notes of what the speaker actually wanted to say. This is your chance to improve your TOEFL Listening score!

5) Use abbreviations and symbols
When you are taking notes in TOEFL Listening use abbreviations and symbols. This saves you a lot of time. For example, use arrows to indicate that something is a consequence of something or use the plus symbol to indicate that the speaker is adding an idea. It is very important that you use symbols that make sense to you, that help you take notes faster, and that help you understand the key points. Therefore, make sure you use symbols you are familiar with because you must understand your notes when answering the questions.

0:00 TOEFL Listening - 5 Top Tips for Note Taking
00:25 - #1 Do not write down everything
01:21 - #2 Anticipate the questions
02:17 - #3 Do not copy the speaker
03:45 - #4 Listen to self-correction
05:25 - #5 Use abbreviations and symbols



8 Views · 1 year ago

Full TOEFL iBT Mock Test with expert TOEFL teachers Jay and Mark from E2. This is an authentic TOEFL iBT Mock Test from ETS.

Download the FREE Test PDF HERE:

Jay & Mark will walk you through all TOEFL tasks, giving you the opportunity to test your skills - or try your luck!

They'll cover TOEFL Listening, TOEFL Reading, TOEFL Writing and TOEFL Speaking. Jay will describe each task, give you some super hints and provide you with the answers at the end. Go ahead and give the TOEFL a go!

The best way to study for your TOEFL is with E2’s TOEFL iBT Course:

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Introduction 00:00:00
TOEFL iBT Reading 00:01:24
TOEFL iBT Listening 01:28:07
TOEFL iBT Speaking 02:55:23
TOEFL iBT Writing 03:24:55
Conclusion 04:35:58

E2 Test Prep ( is the world's most popular English exam preparation platform. We've helped over 1.5 million students pass their IELTS Academic, IELTS General, PTE Academic, TOEFL iBT, OET and TOEIC English tests.

We teach proven exam strategies to help with your reading, writing, listening and speaking. Our strategies, structures and tips have been created from the ground up from having taken these exams first hand and then tested with 10s of 1000s of students who have achieved IELTS 9, PTE 90, TOEFL 30 and OET 500. They work!

On YouTube we give away some helpful videos but all of the magic happens over on where you can watch lots of videos that are not on YouTube, join live group classes or take 1:1 tutorials with our expert E2 Test Prep teachers. You can also complete guided practice questions, get writing feedback or take mock tests with online speaking exams and expert feedback.

Our teachers and markers are all highly qualified native or bilingual teachers who have top notch university degrees in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) or applied linguistics. We are the best at test prep!

We also have a sister platform to E2 Test Prep called E2 English ( that covers all of the fundamentals of English such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, spelling and general English from beginner to advanced. You can use E2 English to help with your IELTS, PTE, TOEFL, TOEIC or OET preparation if you need help with the words, rules and sounds of English.

So, whatever you need help with, we're here for you. If you need help with your English exam, check out and / or if you need help building your English skills check out

Good luck! We wish you all the very best with your English language learning and exam preparation journey.

TOEFL Practice Test PDF
TOEFL Practice Test
TOEFL Test Online
TOEFL How to Prepare
TOEFL Preparation
TOEFL Practice Listening
TOEFL Practice Reading
TOEFL Practice Writing
TOEFL Practice Speaking

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