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0 Views · 2 months ago

Kids, when you play hide and seek, don't hide in narrow, high, or closed places,
because you could get hurt.

Peek-a peek-a Peek-a boo-boo
Where are you?
Peek-a peek-a Peek-a boo-boo
Where are you?

Nee-naw nee-naw Super rescue
No hide and seek
in dangerous places
Nee-naw nee-naw Super rescue
No hide and seek
in dangerous places
Nee-naw nee-naw Super rescue
It’s not safe
for you to hide up there

Nee-naw nee-naw Super rescue
No hide and seek
in dangerous places
Nee-naw nee-naw Super rescue
No hide and seek
in dangerous places
Nee-naw nee-naw Super rescue
It’s not safe
Play safe, hide and seek
Play safe, hide and seek

Nee-naw nee-naw Super rescue
Nee-naw nee-naw
(It’s an emergency)
Nee-naw nee-naw Super rescue
Nee-naw nee-naw
(It’s an emergency)
Nee-naw nee-naw Super rescue
Nee-naw nee-naw
(Go go go !)
Nee-naw nee-naw super rescue
Nee-naw nee-naw
(Watch me !)
Play safe, hide and seek
Play safe, hide and seek

#cartoons #kidscartoon #carcartoon #monstertruck #policecartoon #firetruck #garbagetruck #ambulance #cartoonforkids #kidssong #cars #monstercars #babybus

♥------------------------------------------------BabyBus - Cars World (Car Cartoon) ---------------------------------------------♥
Meet the cars family in BabyBus!

Super Cars to the rescue! Monster police truck, monster fire truck, monster ambulance, garbage truck, tow truck, crane truck, tractor, train, and more! Whenever friends are in trouble, super cars are here to help. They devote themselves to guarding the safety of the city and solving any problems! With distinctive personalities and abilities, they all happily live and work together.

Let’s join BabyBus Cars World and see what interesting things would happen.
Copyright ©BABYBUS CO.Ltd All Rights Reserved.

0 Views · 2 months ago

BabyBus - Nursery Rhymes ►
BabyBus | Baby Panda Chef | Cooking Pretend Play | Learn Numbers, Learn Colors,Ice Cream | Kids Pretend Play | Kids Song

Donut Sports Competition | Ice Cream, Candy Song, Hamburger Song | Pretend Play | Baby Song | BabyBus
00:05 Donut Sports Competition
02:15 Cool Hamburger Vending Machine
05:06 Magical Ice Cream Robot Vending Machine
07:55 Ten Donuts
10:02 Baby Panda's Candy Shop
12:18 Run away! Hamburgers
15:25 Pizza Maker
17:49 Amazing Bread Vending Machine
20:29 Baby Panda Detective
23:43 Baby Kitten Loves Drink Vending Machine
26:11 Ten Ice Creams on the Beach
29:09 Five Colored Brothers
32:44 Cake Maker
34:49 Baby Panda Cooking Pretend Play
37:27 Ice Pop Fingers

Nursery rhymes in English, canciones en inglés para niños, Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, barnvisorna på engelska, Músicas em inglês para crianças, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, 英文兒歌, Písničky v angličtině, أناشيد أطفال باللغة الإنجليزية, अंग्रेजी में नर्सरी कविताएं, Barnerim på engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, เพลงภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเด็ก

Kids Cartoon, Мультик для детей, Cartoon d'enfants, Dibujos Animados Infantiles,Desenhos animados crianças, Phim hoạt hình trẻ em, Kartun Anak-Anak, 卡通, 动画, 動畫, การ์ตูนสำหรับเด็ก,Kinder Cartoon, बच्चों कार्टून, Kartun Kanak-kanak, Kinderen cartoon, Barntecknad, الرسوم المتحركة للأطفال

#nurseryrhymes #babysongs #kidssongs #babybus #kidsvideos #cartoonforkids #youtubecartoon
At BabyBus, our goal is to make learning a fun experience for kids aged 2 - 5 by creating classic nursery rhymes, kids songs and stories with 2D & 3D animations. Children get to learn good habits, safety knowledge, letters, colors, numbers and more by singing and dancing with our characters! Enjoy watching our videos!

BabyBus helps children to:
★ Think Independently
★ Build Self-Confidence
★ Respect Others
★ Explore the World
Contact us:

1 Views · 2 months ago

Action! Super Monster Truck Rescue Team!

#cartoons #kidscartoon #carcartoon #monstertruck #policecartoon #firetruck #garbagetruck #ambulance #cartoonforkids #kidssong #cars #monstercars #babybus

♥------------------------------------------------BabyBus - Cars World (Car Cartoon) ---------------------------------------------♥
Meet the cars family in BabyBus!

Super Cars to the rescue! Monster police truck, monster fire truck, monster ambulance, garbage truck, tow truck, crane truck, tractor, train, and more! Whenever friends are in trouble, super cars are here to help. They devote themselves to guarding the safety of the city and solving any problems! With distinctive personalities and abilities, they all happily live and work together.

Let’s join BabyBus Cars World and see what interesting things would happen.
Copyright ©BABYBUS CO.Ltd All Rights Reserved.

0 Views · 2 months ago

BabyBus - Nursery Rhymes ►
1. Super Panda Rescue Team Episode:
2. Baby Panda's Magical Chinese Characters Episode
3. BabyBus | Food Song | Cooking Pretend Play | Learn Numbers, Learn Colors,Ice Cream, Colors Song | Kids Song | Baby Cartoon:

Vending Machine Got Sick | Police Cartoon, Learn Colors | Kids Cartoon | Funny Cartoon | BabyBus
00:05 Vending Machine Got Sick
05:45 Colorful Candies Rescue Team | Color Songs | Learn Colors
10:30 Cool Hamburger Vending Machine | Ice Cream, Candy Song
13:21 Run! The Building is Collapsing | Super Panda Rescue Team
24:47 Baby Panda Police Catches Thief | Kids Cartoon | Police Cartoon

Nursery rhymes in English, canciones en inglés para niños, Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, barnvisorna på engelska, Músicas em inglês para crianças, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, 英文兒歌, Písničky v angličtině, أناشيد أطفال باللغة الإنجليزية, अंग्रेजी में नर्सरी कविताएं, Barnerim på engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, เพลงภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเด็ก

Kids Cartoon, Мультик для детей, Cartoon d'enfants, Dibujos Animados Infantiles,Desenhos animados crianças, Phim hoạt hình trẻ em, Kartun Anak-Anak, 卡通, 动画, 動畫, การ์ตูนสำหรับเด็ก,Kinder Cartoon, बच्चों कार्टून, Kartun Kanak-kanak, Kinderen cartoon, Barntecknad, الرسوم المتحركة للأطفال

#nurseryrhymes #babysongs #kidssongs #babybus #kidsvideos #cartoonforkids #youtubecartoon
At BabyBus, our goal is to make learning a fun experience for kids aged 2 - 5 by creating classic nursery rhymes, kids songs and stories with 2D & 3D animations. Children get to learn good habits, safety knowledge, letters, colors, numbers and more by singing and dancing with our characters! Enjoy watching our videos!

BabyBus helps children to:
★ Think Independently
★ Build Self-Confidence
★ Respect Others
★ Explore the World
Contact us:

0 Views · 2 months ago

#babybuscartoon #kidsanimation #kikimiumiu #cartoon #kidscartoon #kidsvideo #kidstv #babybus #babypanda

00:00 Whale Shark Bus
09:37 Carrier Pigeon Gets Lost
22:44 Repairman Gibbon
31:31 Earthquake Safety on the Street
38:33 Rudolph the Santa's Reindeer
49:38 Honeybees Got Trapped

—————BabyBus TV—————
Welcome to Kiki and Miumiu's wonderland where brave Kiki and kind-hearted Miumiu with their friends go on their fun adventures.

Join Kiki and Miumiu, kids can gain warm friendships and learn while having fun.
★ Super Rescue Team: Think independently and learn animals' features
★ Magical Chinese Characters: Solve life problems and learn Chinese characters
★ Good Habits: Cultivate healthy habits and learn Safety Tips
★ Math Kindom Adventure: Learn Numbers and Counting
★ Yummy Foods Family: Explore the World of Food and learn letters, colors, numbers, and more!

Copyright ©BABYBUS CO.Ltd All Rights Reserved.

0 Views · 2 months ago

Enjoy the Monster in the Toilet song and overcome the fear of the dark with Kiki and Miumiu!

Enjoy watching BabyBus songs and cartoons! 💕 👶 💕
1、Nursery Rhymes & Kids Cartoon (All!!) | Kiki and Miumiu | Baby Shark | Fire Truck | Top Playlist - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs by BabyBus:
2、BabyBus New Cartoon Series | Yummy Foods 🍔 🍟 🍦 🍩 🍹 | Donut and Cupcake | BabyBus:
3、BabyBus | Car Songs 🚓 🚑 🚒 | Cars for Kids, Super Train | Vehicles for Kids:

BabyBus has released four best albums for kids! Best Car Songs, Best Food Songs, Super Rescue Team, and Classics for Kids!
All the music is available on Spotify, Apple Music, and more!
(🎵) Spotify:
(🍎)Apple Music:

#cartoon #kidscartoon #kidssong #nurseryrhymes #babybus #babycartoon #cartoonforkids #toddlers #forkids #kidsvideos #childrensongs #babysongs #kidssong #songsforkids #singalong
At BabyBus, our goal is to make learning a fun and imaginative experience for kids aged 2 - 6 by creating classic nursery rhymes, kid songs, and stories with 2D & 3D animations.

In the BabyBus world, KiKi, Miumiu, and their friends inspire kids to experience true friendship, care, creativity, and imagination in a fun and smart way. Through our songs and animations, kids around the world can learn about colors, letters, life skills, good habits, safety tips, and more in a fun and educational way.

In the eyes of Kiki and Miumiu, all things are alive: you can talk to animals, you can make friends with vehicles... All the activities can be enjoyed, you can experience different occupations, you can go everywhere... All the unknowns are interesting: what will be in space? Are there aliens on earth?... Join Kiki and Miumiu for the exploration of this world together!

Copyright ©BABYBUS CO.Ltd All Rights Reserved.

1 Views · 2 months ago

#babybuscartoon #kidsanimation #kikimiumiu #cartoon #kidscartoon #kidsvideo #kidstv #babybus #babypanda

❤ Sheriff Labrador's Safety Talk ❤
Kids, you should always watch where you're going. Don't look at your phones or play games with tablets while walking.
You'll lose your focus on the road and might cause accidents, hurting yourselves and even endangering your lives.
Learn safety tips for kids with Sheriff Labrador.

00:00 Be Careful When You Walk
05:21 Police Takes Care of A Baby
12:21 Don't Go to Remote Places Alone
18:34 Scary Water Monster
24:46 Lock Your Doors and Windows
30:39 Fire in the Cake Shop
36:17 The Shoe-Biting Escalator
40:57 Be Careful of Kite Strings
46:24 Don't Play in the Driver's Seat
52:31 Don't Copy Dangerous Acts
57:51 A Big Tornado

—————BabyBus TV—————
Welcome to Kiki and Miumiu's wonderland where brave Kiki and kind-hearted Miumiu with their friends go on their fun adventures.

Join Kiki and Miumiu, kids can gain warm friendships and learn while having fun.
★ Super Rescue Team: Think independently and learn animals' features
★ Magical Chinese Characters: Solve life problems and learn Chinese characters
★ Good Habits: Cultivate healthy habits and learn Safety Tips
★ Math Kindom Adventure: Learn Numbers and Counting
★ Yummy Foods Family: Explore the World of Food and learn letters, colors, numbers, and more!

Copyright ©BABYBUS CO.Ltd All Rights Reserved.

0 Views · 2 months ago

BabyBus - Nursery Rhymes ►
BabyBus | Baby Panda Chef | Cooking Pretend Play | Learn Numbers, Learn Colors,Ice Cream | Kids Pretend Play | Kids Song

Learn Colors with Donuts | Numbers Song | Colors Song | Kids Kitchen | Nursery Rhymes | Baby Songs | BabyBus
00:05 Learn Colors with Donuts
03:03 Hamburgers Fell down From Truck
06:10 Magical Ice Cream Robot Vending Machine
08:59 Baby Panda Makes Rainbow Fruit Juice
11:27 Don't Run! Big Bad Wolf | Super Policeman Rescue Team
14:17 Cool Hamburger Vending Machine
17:08 Five Colored Candies | Color Song
20:43 Baby Kitten's Special Recipes

Nursery rhymes in English, canciones en inglés para niños, Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, barnvisorna på engelska, Músicas em inglês para crianças, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, 英文兒歌, Písničky v angličtině, أناشيد أطفال باللغة الإنجليزية, अंग्रेजी में नर्सरी कविताएं, Barnerim på engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, เพลงภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเด็ก

Kids Cartoon, Мультик для детей, Cartoon d'enfants, Dibujos Animados Infantiles,Desenhos animados crianças, Phim hoạt hình trẻ em, Kartun Anak-Anak, 卡通, 动画, 動畫, การ์ตูนสำหรับเด็ก,Kinder Cartoon, बच्चों कार्टून, Kartun Kanak-kanak, Kinderen cartoon, Barntecknad, الرسوم المتحركة للأطفال

#nurseryrhymes #babysongs #kidssongs #babybus #kidsvideos #cartoonforkids #youtubecartoon
At BabyBus, our goal is to make learning a fun experience for kids aged 2 - 5 by creating classic nursery rhymes, kids songs and stories with 2D & 3D animations. Children get to learn good habits, safety knowledge, letters, colors, numbers and more by singing and dancing with our characters! Enjoy watching our videos!

BabyBus helps children to:
★ Think Independently
★ Build Self-Confidence
★ Respect Others
★ Explore the World
Contact us:

0 Views · 2 months ago

Enjoy Super Police Patrol Team Song and protect the city with policeman Kiki and Miumiu!

Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
The alarm goes off.
Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
searching for the target.
Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
I’m a brave cop,
I never stop!

I’m a cop,
a brave little cop.
Catching bad guys,
that’s my job.
I’m coming for you,
bad guy!
You can't get away,
don’t even try!

Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
chasing the bad guy.
Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
go go go.
Hurry up,
hurry up!
Before he runs away.
Hurry up,
hurry up!
Before he runs away.

I’m a cop,
a brave little cop.
Catching bad guys,
that’s my job.
I’m coming for you,
bad guy!
You can't get away,
don’t even try!

Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
chasing the bad guy.
Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
go go go.
Hurry up,
hurry up!
Before he runs away.
Hurry up,
hurry up!
Before he runs away.

I’m a cop,
a brave little cop.
Catching bad guys,
that’s my job.
I’m coming for you,
bad guy!
You can't get away,
don’t even try!

Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
we are brave cops.
Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
Catch the thief!
Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
we are brave cops.
Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
Catch the thief!
Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo,
we are brave cops.
Saving the day, hooray!

#cartoons #kidscartoon #carcartoon #monstertruck #policecartoon #firetruck #garbagetruck #ambulance #cartoonforkids #kidssong #cars #monstercars #babybus

♥------------------------------------------------BabyBus - Cars World (Car Cartoon) ---------------------------------------------♥
Meet the cars family in BabyBus!

Super Cars to the rescue! Monster police truck, monster fire truck, monster ambulance, garbage truck, tow truck, crane truck, tractor, train, and more! Whenever friends are in trouble, super cars are here to help. They devote themselves to guarding the safety of the city and solving any problems! With distinctive personalities and abilities, they all happily live and work together.

Let’s join BabyBus Cars World and see what interesting things would happen.
Copyright ©BABYBUS CO.Ltd All Rights Reserved.

0 Views · 2 months ago

Subscribe for new videos every week!

❤ Sheriff Labrador's Safety Talk ❤
Kids, police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances are important vehicles that keep us safe.
Role-playing as cops, firefighters, or medics can be a fun way to learn about these jobs and practice teamwork.
Give it a try!

Enjoy Sheriff Labrador Story:
(🎵) Spotify:

【Inspector Chimp】
Enjoy watching BabyBus songs and cartoons! 💕 👶 💕
1. Yes! Neo | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | Imagine!:
2. Sheriff Labrador - Kids Cartoon | Safety Cartoon for Kids:
3. BabyBus | Monster Trucks | Vroom Vroom Zone🛞| Car Songs | Cars for Kids | Kids Song:
4. BabyBus | Food Song | Cooking Pretend Play | Learn Numbers, Learn Colors, Ice Cream, Colors Song | Kids Song:

BabyBus has released four best albums for kids! Best Car Songs, Best Food Songs, Super Rescue Team, and Classics for Kids!
All the music is available on Spotify, Apple Music, and more!
(🎵) Spotify:
(🍎)Apple Music:

#cartoon #kidscartoons #sherifflabrador #kidssong #nurseryrhymes #babybus #babycartoon #cartoonforkids #toddlers #forkids #kidsvideos #childrensongs #babysongs #kidssong #songsforkids #singalong
At BabyBus, our goal is to make learning a fun and imaginative experience for kids aged 2 - 6 by creating classic nursery rhymes, kid songs, and stories with 2D & 3D animations.

In the BabyBus world, KiKi, Miumiu, and their friends inspire kids to experience true friendship, care, creativity, and imagination in a fun and smart way. Through our songs and animations, kids around the world can learn about colors, letters, life skills, good habits, safety tips, and more in a fun and educational way.

In the eyes of Kiki and Miumiu, all things are alive: you can talk to animals, you can make friends with vehicles... All the activities can be enjoyed, you can experience different occupations, you can go everywhere... All the unknowns are interesting: what will be in space? Are there aliens on earth?... Join Kiki and Miumiu for the exploration of this world together!

Copyright ©BABYBUS CO.Ltd All Rights Reserved.

0 Views · 2 months ago

Yummy Ice Cream Shop is open! Come and make rainbow ice cream, enjoy this fun colors song, and learn about Colors!

I love, I love,
yummy ice cream.
Many, many flavors to choose.
I love, I love,
yummy ice cream.
What a tasty treat!
I want,
one scoop.
One scoop, one scoop, one scoop,
One scoop, one scoop, one scoop,
Hoo !
One scoop, one scoop, one scoop,
La la la la la la la la!

I love, I love,
yummy ice cream.
Many, many flavors to choose.
I love, I love,
yummy ice cream.
What a tasty treat!
I want,
two scoops.
One, two.
Two scoops, two scoops, two scoops,
Two scoops, two scoops, two scoops,
Two scoops, two scoops, two scoops,
La la la la la la la la!

I love, I love,
yummy ice cream.
Many, many flavors to choose.
I love, I love,
yummy ice cream.
What a tasty treat!
I want,
three scoops.
One, two, three.
Three scoops, three scoops, three scoops,
Three scoops, three scoops, three scoops,
Three scoops, three scoops, three scoops,
La la la la la la la la!

I love, I love,
yummy ice cream.
Many, many flavors to choose.
I love, I love,
yummy ice cream.
What a tasty treat!
I want,
ten scoops!
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Ten scoops, ten scoops, ten scoops,
Ten scoops, ten scoops, ten scoops,
Ten scoops, ten scoops, ten scoops,
La la la la la la la la!

Enjoy watching BabyBus songs and cartoons! 💕 👶 💕
1、Nursery Rhymes & Kids Cartoon (All!!) | Kiki and Miumiu | Baby Shark | Fire Truck | Top Playlist - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs by BabyBus:
2、BabyBus New Cartoon Series | Yummy Foods 🍔 🍟 🍦 🍩 🍹 | Donut and Cupcake | BabyBus:
3、BabyBus | Car Songs 🚓 🚑 🚒 | Cars for Kids, Super Train | Vehicles for Kids:

BabyBus has released four best albums for kids! Best Car Songs, Best Food Songs, Super Rescue Team, and Classics for Kids!
All the music is available on Spotify, Apple Music, and more!
(🎵) Spotify:
(🍎)Apple Music:

#kidssongs #nurseryrhymes #kidscartoon #babybus #babycartoon #cartoonforkids #forkids #kidsvideos #childrensongs #babysongs #kidssong #songsforkids #singalong #kidsvideos
At BabyBus, our goal is to make learning a fun and imaginative experience for kids aged 2 - 6 by creating classic nursery rhymes, kid songs, and stories with 2D & 3D animations.

In the BabyBus world, KiKi, Miumiu, and their friends inspire kids to experience true friendship, care, creativity, and imagination in a fun and smart way. Through our songs and animations, kids around the world can learn about colors, letters, life skills, good habits, safety tips, and more in a fun and educational way.

In the eyes of Kiki and Miumiu, all things are alive: you can talk to animals, you can make friends with vehicles... All the activities can be enjoyed, you can experience different occupations, you can go everywhere... All the unknowns are interesting: what will be in space? Are there aliens on earth?... Join Kiki and Miumiu for the exploration of this world together!

Copyright ©BABYBUS CO.Ltd All Rights Reserved.

294 Views · 2 years ago

Learn the ABCs with the alphabet phonics song by! The alphabet cartoons will teach children phonemic awareness and phonics skills!

Redeem your free trial of the app today:

What you wanna bet you can learn the alphabet?
What you wanna bet you can learn the alphabet?
Repeat after me.
A makes a sound like [a] or [A]
B makes a sound like [b b] ball
C makes a sound like [c c] call
D makes a sound like [d d] doll
What you wanna bet you can learn the alphabet?
E makes a sound like [e] or [E]
F makes a sound like [f f] fly
G makes a sound like [g g] guy
H makes a sound like [h h] hi
What you wanna bet you can learn the alphabet?
I makes a sound like [i] or [I]
J makes a sound like [j j] jeep
K makes a sound like [k k] keep
L makes a sounds like [l l] leap
26 letters,
even more sounds
help us to make our world go around
12 down and 14 left
and then we'll know the alphabet
Let's keep it going!
M makes a sound like [m m] mine
N makes a sound like [n n] nine
O makes a sound like [o] or [O]
P makes a sound like [p p] pine
What you wanna bet you can learn the alphabet?
Q makes a sound like [kw kw] quack
R makes a sound like [r r] rack
S makes a sound like [s s] sack
T makes a sound like [t t] tack
What you wanna bet you can learn the alphabet?
What you wanna bet you can learn the alphabet?
We're almost there!
U makes a sound like [u] or [U]
V makes a sound like [v v] vet
W sounds like [w w] wet
X makes a sound like [xs xs xs]
Y makes a sound like [y y] yap
Z makes a sound like [z z] zap
I always knew you could learn the alphabet
I always knew you could learn the alphabet
There's a million words that you haven't spelled just yet
But now you can 'cause you know the alphabet

-Alphabet Sound Stories to build phonemic awareness (sound recognition):

-Children's Author Storytime read-alouds:

130 Views · 2 years ago

Learn phonics with Timberly Wimberly!

SUBSCRIBE for new Little Baby Bum videos every week!►
Little Baby Bum Music ►

Little Baby Bum is a fun and educational show for kids featuring classic and new nursery rhymes and loved by babies and their parents all around the world. Through the magic of rhythm and rhyme, Little Baby Bum world comes alive.

Sing along with 6-year old Mia her family and friends in a world where animals can dance, buses are friends and rainy days are never boring.
►New Little Baby Bum videos weekly!
00:00 LBB1105 Learn Phonics
02:09 ABC Train
03:52 ABC Balloons
05:44 Five senses Mindfulness (Yes Yes)
07:46 Twinkles ABC (Mindfulness)
09:48 Twinkle Sensorial Colours Bedtime
11:53 ABC Undersea Song
13:26 Rainbow Puddles
15:26 ABC Song (Traditional/ Zee & Zed)
17:19 5 Little Monkeys v3
19:22 Happy and You Know It
21:23 ABC Phonics Song
22:50 Recycling Song
24:52 10 Little Pets
26:48 Mummy Mummy
28:43 ABC Bubbles
30:44 Tidy Up Bus Song
32:37 Calm Counting Song
35:06 10 Little Dinosaurs V3
37:01 ABC Butterfly Song
38:47 Getting Ready to Go Out
40:47 Dance Like Daddy
42:46 ABC Phonics V2
44:19 Five Little Ducks
46:23 Swimming Song V3
48:24 This Little Piggy V2
50:21 ABC Phonics Animals Song
52:10 Wheels on the Bus Rain Rain Medley
54:14 Twinkle Twinkle (Lullaby)
56:14 Animal Sounds Song
58:19 ABC School
00:16 Driving in My Car V5
02:16 Learning to Ride My Bike
04:13 ABC Vehicles
06:11 Accidents Happen V2
08:11 Back to School
09:44 Ten Little Buses
11:46 Bath Song V4
13:45 Johnny Johnny
15:46 Learn How To Get Dressed!
17:45 5 Little Speckled Frogs V4
19:44 Vehicle Sounds Song
21:45 Big or Small V2
23:30 Itsy Bitsy V4
25:29 Easter Egg Hunt
27:22 Baby Bangs the Drum
29:23 5 Little Ducks, Monkeys And Monsters!
31:18 Counting Duck Song
32:50 Please, Thank You And Sorry Song
34:28 10 Little Fishes V2
35:59 Color Bus
37:31 No Monster Song V2
39:56 Colors And Action Song V2
42:19 Wheels On The Bus V20 Underwater
44:32 Balloon Race Song
46:14 1, 2, What Shall We Do? V2
47:50 Teddy Bear Song V2
49:33 Hello Song V2
51:11 Choo Choo Train V2
53:16 Sunny Days
54:48 Color Planes
56:33 Try Some Vegetables
58:35 5 Little Monsters Jumping On The Bed V2
00:08 10 Little Sea Horses
01:01:45 Time For Sleep

Sing the alphabet with me
What sounds will there be?

‘A’ - Ah Ah - Apple
‘B’ - Buh Buh - Baby
‘C’ - Ck Ck - Cake
‘D’ - Dd Dd – Dog

‘E’ - Eh Eh – Elephant
‘F’ - Ffff – Frog
‘G’- Guh Guh – Goat
‘H’ - Huh Huh – Hat

‘I’ – i i - Igloo
‘J’ – Juh Juh - Jelly
‘K’ - Ck Ck - Kite
‘L’ – Llll - Lollipop

‘M’ – mmm - Mouse
‘N’ – Nnn - Nest
‘O’ – Oh Oh - Orange
‘P’ – Puh Puh – Panda

‘Q’ – Kw Kw - Queen
‘R’ – rrrr - Rabbit
‘S’ – sssss - Star
‘T’ – Tuh Tuh – Turtle

‘U’ – Uh - Umbrella
‘V’ – Vuh Vuh -Veggies
‘W’ – Wuh Wuh - Water
‘X’ – Ks Ks - X ray fish

‘Y’ – Yuh Yuh - Yellow
‘Z’ – Zzzz Zzzz - Zebra
►Wheels on the Bus and other vehicle songs playlist!

►Educational baby cartoons and songs playlist!

Watch new and classic Little Baby Bum shows on YouTube. New week new fun and exciting song to learn along with other favorites like The Wheels on the Bus, Johnny Johnny Yes Papa, Rain Rain Go Away, ABC Song, Ice Cream Song, Wash Your Hands, Five Little Ducks, Ten Little Buses, and many others.

#LBB #LittleBabyBum #MoonbugKids

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►Go Buster!
►Lellobee City Farm!
►Digley and Dazey!
© El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum

164 Views · 2 years ago

Learn and practice word families with back-to-back episodes of the Word Families series!
You can check out our stories on the Little Fox YouTube channel.


About the Little Fox YouTube Channel
Welcome to the Little Fox channel of fun animated stories for kids. From traditional fairy tales that have been loved for many generations to classic stories that are recognized worldwide for their literary value, kids will learn natural and authentic English with our stories. Visit our website,, for more stories.

109 Views · 2 years ago

2 Letter and 3 Letter Blending and All Sight Words: Reading Short Vowel Word Families A-U AND Sight Words

#Kindergarten #phonics #sightwords #read #firststepreading @FirstStepReading |
#FirstStepReading #alphabet #AlphabetSounds #Letters #ABCs #learning #preschool #reading #teach #teacher #School #Schooling #English #memorize


This video teaches your child how to blend 2 short vowels letters and to read 3 letter Words

Blending letters together is how children read words. This is how children can decode unfamiliar words when reading using the letter sounds and then blending the sounds together to read words.

This video teaching Blending.
First with 2 Letters and then sounding out words. The video goes over Short Vowel A, E, I, O, U 2 letter Blends and 3 letter words.

This video shows your child to use both letter sounds and word families to help him/her blend 3 letters together to read words.
Reading 3 Letters words is taught by moving a Consonant closer and closer to Short Vowel Word Family Endings.

Blending sounds to make words is a learning process. The first step of blending is when your child states the correct sounds for the letter characters that are being blended for example the word, "Cat" will often first be read as "C"- "at." With practice your child will learn to further blend the sounds to correctly say "Cat."
Your child will learn to read 3 letter Short Vowel A words in the Practice Reading Book. (Practice Reading Book 1: Pages 1-26).
Your child can also practice blending the sounds to read words with magnetic letters. Use the Short Word families endings and add different Consonants to the front of the different word endings

Sight Word are Not Phonics words. These words should be Memorized. These are the most common words children will encounter when reading. If children memorize these words they will read faster and understand what they are reading better.

Learn with TEACHER Heather

Heather is a Credentialed Elementary School Teacher with a Masters in Elementary Education. She is also the Author and Illustrator of

Step To Teach Your Child to READ!!!
1. Letter Identification
2. Letter Sounds
3. 2 Letter Blending
4. 3 Letter Blending (Phonics Word Families CVC Words)
5. Sight words Memorization (Practice Sight words throughout the Learn to Read Process)
6. What is a Vowel
7. Long Vowel Words (Long Vowel Words Families)
Vowel Consonant Vowel (vcv) or Vowel Vowel (VV)
8. Digraphs (2 Letters that make 1 Sound)
9. Irregular Letter Sound Combinations
10. Blends (2 letters that make two sounds blended together)
11. Controlled R Words (ar, or, er/ur/ir)

Free worksheets: |

Used by OVER 10 Million Children and Teachers World-Wide!!

293 Views · 2 years ago

It's a phonics song with a picture for each letter.
This is designed to help children learn the sounds of the letters in the English alphabet.
This song was written and performed by A.J. Jenkins. Video by KidsTV123.
Copyright 2012 A.J.Jenkins/KidsTV123: All rights reserved.
This is an ORIGINAL song written in 2009 - any copying is illegal.
For MP3s, worksheets and much more:

Kids songs song for children

Chords for this song:


63 Views · 2 years ago

Learn 26 Animals in this fun Alphabet song for kids! Join Matt as he sings from A to Z animal names like Anteater, Bear, Crocodile, through to Zebra. Watch out for the crocodile! Tunes warns Matt. Can Matt outrun a lion at the zoo? Watch and see! Watch real animals. Can you hear some animal sounds?

Original Song by Matt. Video Dream English.

66 Views · 2 years ago

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Download/Stream the "Mooseclumps: Volume 1" Album! -

Kids sing and learn about ABCs, letters of the alphabet, phonics, and my very favorite letter with Mooseclumps!

¡Aprende el alfabeto inglés!

Enjoy the best ABC song for children with Mooseclumps! Learn ABCs, learn phonics, and learn the alphabet with this abc song/nursery rhyme for babies, kindergarten, preschool, and toddlers. An Alphabet song is the best way to learn the alphabet. ABC song phonics teach children the English alphabet. Safe for kids! Kid safe videos. Learn with Mooseclumps and his kids show of educational videos for children,featuring sing-along music for kids.

Nursery rhymes in English, canciones en inglés para niños, Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, barnvisorna på engelska, Músicas em inglês para crianças, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, 英文兒歌, Písničky v angličtině, أناشيد أطفال باللغة الإنجليزية, अंग्रेजी में नर्सरी कविताएं, Barnerim på engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, песни для детей на английском

112 Views · 2 years ago

This fun and educational Gracie's Corner compilation video presents preschool concepts such as counting, color recognition, shapes, phonics and much more! Come join Gracie as she dances and sing with family and friends.

Each song is available on all streaming platform. Also, for free learning activities that your child can enjoy, please visit our website at In addition to activity sheets, you can also find cool Gracie's Corner merch in the online store.

#GraciesCorner #LearningSongs #Fun

216 Views · 2 years ago

"A Song" is from Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read. Learn all about the letter A and the sound it makes.

Listen to this and other great songs when you download the Learn to Read app or order the complete kit!

Visit today to try the program and see why parents have trusted Hooked on Phonics for nearly 30 years.

Hooked on Phonics is available as the complete multi-sensory kit or the exciting digital edition. Both are based on the award-winning Learn to Read program, designed by leading educators, renowned authors, and most importantly, parents.

With Hooked on Phonics, your child will learn to read, GUARANTEED!

Learn More:
Download app today:

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